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contoh kalimat at the mention of

"at the mention of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Alberto Loya jumped at the mention of my name
    Alberto Loya langsung menghampiri saat namaku disebut.
  • That many people spiked at the mention of Amanda?
    sebanyak itu mereka terkejut tentang Amanda?
  • You practically jumped out of your skin at the mention of "car."
    tolonglah. anda telah keliru. saat menyebutkan "mobil.
  • Much like people once did at the mention of yours.
    Sama seperti orang melakukan itu saat dulu namamu disebut.
  • They blushed at the mention of girls.
    Mereka memerah jika wanita disebut.
  • Even at the mention of Tae San's name, your face goes pale.
    Setiap kali kau mendengar nama Tae San kau merona.
  • Indeed the believers are those whose hearts quake at the mention of Allah,
    Memang orang beriman adalah mereka yang hatinya gempa pada menyebutkan Allah,
  • But he bristles with anger at the mention of Amrullah Saleh's name."
    Ia kemudian memanggil Syeikh Muhammad untuk membicarakan tentang cara tekanan yang diberikan oleh Amir al-Ahsa'.
  • She was sitting right here, but at the mention of your name, she blushed and ran away.
    Dia sedang duduk tepat di sebelahku. Tapi saat ku sebut namamu, dia tersipu malu dan pergi.
  • From among these boys, one grew into a warrior so fierce that entire armies would retreat in terror at the mention of his name.
    Di antara anak - anak itu ada yang menjadi prajurit, sangat menakutkan hingga seluruh pasukan akan mundur ketakutan jika disebut namanya.
  • For example, at the mention of the clever code, I might say, "Well, that'll be the first clever thing April's ever done in her life."
    Misalnya, saat menyinggung soal kode cerdas, aku bisa bilang, "Itu akan jadi hal cerdas pertama yang dilakukan April dalam hidupnya."
  • Most people at the mention of summer automatically imagine a hot sun, a vacation at sea and trips to nature for cooking shish kebabs. Many i...
    Kebanyakan orang saat penyebutan musim panas secara otomatis membayangkan matahari panas, liburan di laut dan perjalanan ke alam untuk memas...
  • At the mention of June, one would quickly think of the beautiful corn season in Kōfu. Regarded as one of the prided crop in Yamanashi Prefecture for its bountiful harvest, the "...
    Kalau bicara tentang bulan Juni, pastinya terkenal dengan musim Jagung Kofu. Jagung "Kimihime" merupakan salah satu produk unggulan Prefektur Yamanashi yang terkenal memiliki ra...
  • At the mention of the embroidery, you feel very jiangnan Watertown, is very traditional, but the embroidery is very fashion, because this traditional design made in peacetime, decorative pattern is very suitable for small bag, then we come and check it.
    Pada penyebutan bordir, Anda merasa sangat jiangnan Watertown, sangat tradisional, tetapi bordir sangat fashion, karena desain tradisional ini dibuat di masa damai, pola hias sangat cocok untuk tas kecil, kemudian kami datang dan memeriksanya.
  • At the mention of the embroidery, you feel very jiangnan Watertown, is very traditional, but the embroidery is very fashion, because this traditional design made in peacetime, decorative pattern is very suitable for small bag, then we come and check it.
    Pada sebutan sulaman, anda merasa sangat jiangnan Watertown, sangat tradisional, tetapi sulamannya sangat fesyen, kerana reka bentuk tradisional ini dibuat pada masa damai, corak hiasan sangat sesuai untuk tas kecil, maka kami datang dan periksa.